I Love Your Style: A Mini-Series

    You may remember me mentioning the book, I Love Your Style a little while back. I have since had a chance to read it (thanks Nicole!) and I loved it. While I didn't learn anything ground breaking, it is full of inspiring pictures and good tips which left me very excited to do a little wardrobe tweaking post pregnancy. Named after the book, I have decided to do a little mini-series here on the old blog. I'm not sure how long it will last (I don't have that many friends!) but I plan to feature at least a few people whose style I find inspiring (and hopefully you will too!) I'm still working on getting my first feature put together but I should hopefully have it up in the next week or so. Stay tuned!Source URL: http://science-logic.blogspot.com/2010/05/i-love-your-style-mini-series.html
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