Patiala Salwar Kameez or Patiala Shalwar Kameez is having some special historical background. There is a story behind this name. Patiala is a place in Punjab at North India. In ancient times, Maharaja (King) of Paliala was very famous. His dress was a pleated and baggy type salwar with long loose kameez with full sleeves. He used to wear this dress as a king and for comfort also.
Normally the salwar of patiala salwar kameez is having a number of pleates of different styles. The fall of pleates goes back and looks like baggy with pleates. Patiala Salwar is very comfortable to wear. From top, it has belt like any other traditional salwar and a long tunnel for drawstring. The upper portion like traditional salwar is wide spread or has a big room for hips and legs movements.
Some tips on Salwar Kameez
The kameez should be a little longer in height. It makes you look taller. If your height is around 5 feet 3 inches then your kameez height should be around 47- 48 inches.
If you have broad shoulders then avoid wearing puffed sleeves.
If you have fat arms and therefore cannot wear sleeveless then go in for sleeves of about 5 inches length. This will hide the flab on your arms and your hands will look thinner.
Salwar Kameez can be worn in many styles. Styles keep changing with Trends. Recently big bottoms were in fashion and now short Kurtas Are back in vogue.
Chudidar looks good on long kameezs or Kurtas. Avoid wearing them on short Kurtas. Chinese collar (closed neck) makes you look tall, but avoid it if you have broad shoulders.
Wear a Salwar Kameez around your naval area, as it will pull in your stomach.
If you have the tie strings on your side, it reduces the look of the paunch.
Tucks might be out of fashion but they give a very good cut to the Kameez.
Avoid Organza or any stiff cloth if you want to look slimmer.
Dark colours like maroon, red, blue or brown look very good on dark women.
Source URL: http://science-logic.blogspot.com/2009/09/patiala-salwar.html
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