Womens Day SMS Greetings, International Womens Day SMS Greetings

    Womens Day SMS Greetings, International Womens Day SMS Greetings

    Womens Day SMS Greetings, International Womens Day SMS Greetings


    The willingness to listen,
    the patience to understand,
    the strength to support,
    the heart to care & just to be there….
    that is the beauty of a lady!
    Happy Women’s Day!

    Every Home,Every Heart, Every Feeling,
    Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete
    without u, Only U can complete this world…
    Happy Women’s Day


    This LIFE has no existence without
    astrong ally in WOMAN in every stage
    of lifestarting from Motherhood to
    Wife, Sister &finally a Daughter.
    Happy Women's Day !!


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    Source URL: http://science-logic.blogspot.com/2011/03/womens-day-sms-greetings-international.html
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