Gilmore Girls is an American comedy drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino and starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. The series made its debut on The WB on October 5, 2000, and ended on May 15, 2007, in its seventh season, which aired on The CW. Time magazine named Gilmore Girls to their list of the top 100 television shows of all time.[1] The show placed #32 on Entertainment Weekly's "New TV Classics" list[citation needed]. It is known for its fast dialogue with endless run-on sentences. The show follows single mother Lorelai Victoria Gilmore (Graham) and her daughter Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore (Bledel) in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, a close-knit small town with many quirky characters, located roughly thirty minutes from Hartford. The series explores family, friendship, generational divides, and social class. Gilmore Girls features fast-paced dialogue, with frequent popular culture and political references and social commentary that manifest most clearly in Lorelai's difficult relationship with her wealthy upper class here for more
comment:i really like this series when it was aired in the local television,unfortunately i didn't have the chance to watch it until the end due the timing back then.but anyway,i also admire the casual clothing styles of lorelai portraying a young single mom and rory as a teenager.but both can be formal sometimes.Source URL:
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