I recently read a really cool blog post about a girl who takes over-sized t-shirts and turns them into cute little outfits. (Her name is Mari Santos and she showcases her creations on a web-site called Urban Renewal, in case you are interested.) On a recent trip to the thrift store, I decided I wanted to try a little Urban Renewal of my own. I bought an an over-sized dress for $3.00 and spent about 1 1/2 hours making it into something worth wearing. I am thrilled with the results!

This is soooo much easier and so much cheaper than trying to make a dress from scratch. I have two other thrift store dresses waiting in the wings and I can't wait to get my hands on some old t-shirts. This is going to be fun.Source URL: http://science-logic.blogspot.com/2008/12/urban-renewal.html
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