Tribal Tattoo Design - Stylish Tattoo Body Art

    Tribal Tattoo Design In Arm And Body

    Tribal Tattoorgtbvtrgvtr

    This tribal tattoo is one of those that could go around an arm, around a leg or go across the upper back or the small of someone’s back or on a person’s chest. Pretty much a person could wear this tattoo any way they wanted to. Now, there may or may not be a proper way that a tattoo like this is supposed to worn but I am almost sure that if you wanted to wear it in another way, you certainly could. Such is part of the fun of getting tattoos. You can do whatever you want with them and to hell with what anybody else thinks. This tribal tattoo seems to be either the image of a bar or a bird of some type. I am fairly certain that it is one or the other. If it is a bat then its meaning could be one of many. For Native Americans, the bat is a trickster spirit. For the people of the South Pacific it is a sacred animal, and in West African legend the bat is a symbol of a soul in flight. And the list goes on and on. The bat seems to have a different meaning in virtually every culture around the world. All in all, it is a very cool looking tribal tattoo.

    Tribal Tattootyrtgt

    Tribal Tattootertgrt5

    Tribal Tattoouhejyhtyh

    In recent years tribal tattoos have enjoyed a revival of sorts. So much so that many people out side of the tribal world and who do not even have an understanding of tribal meanings behind the tattoos, are in fact getting them. And while this is viewed as a good thing, it would be thought of as better if the people knew the meaning of their tats. Or at least something of their history. The most basic tribal tattoo goes back to the traditions that mark a person as a member or nonmember of the local group, or a religious group, or certain spiritual beliefs and personal convictions. We all have a undeniable need to belong, and this is considered the most basic tribal need. Perhaps the biggest reason why the tribal tattoo has had such a strong resurgence lately is because tribal tattoos have a very simple appeal. People like the way they look. And they reinforce a positive feeling about a persons self and somehow connects them to an element of mystery and ancient activity. You can’t ask for much more than that out of a tattoo.

    Tribal Tattootyehty

    Tribal Tattootrhgyhy

    Tribal Tattoogrghbryh

    Tribal Tattoogrvrrfger

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Geisha Tattoo Art - Exotic Tattoo II

Geisha Tattoo Art - Exotic Tattoo

    Geisha Tattoo-Amazing And Exotic Tattoo Design

    Geisha can be translated into ‘artist’; geishas themselves are seen as some of the most exotic, graceful, sensual and talented artists in the world; and although they are one of many remarkable symbols, geisha tattoos have become one of the most popular pieces in Asian influenced body art.
    Many people like to use geisha tattoos that utilize the entire splendor of a traditional geisha or maiko (an apprentice whose appearance differs slightly from a full-fledged geisha). Thdse are generally done in a portrait style, and depict the elegant figure with a porcelain-white complexion; small, brightly colored and bow-like lips; brilliantly hued kimono and one of the four shimada hairstyles (most commonly a style called ‘momoware,’ which looks something like a divided peach, and bears a good deal of colorful ornamentation).
    The majority of geisha tattoos, however, take on the look of a pin up model. This style tends to exaggerate the feminine curves, red lips and vibrant trappings; it also plays off of the subtle sensuality that geishas are known for. For instance, it is not uncommon to see the geisha standing with her back turned to the on-looker, with a heavily painted face peering over her shoulder, neck partially painted and a shoulder exposed.
    Although less frequently used, you may occasionally see wood block geisha tattoos. These usually show a more elongated version — both in body and face — and her clothing may appear long and flowing. The colors are normally more subdued, and show the geisha in a traditional setting; for example, she may be dancing, playing a shamisan, or simply fanning herself demurely. For something a bit different, you could create a fantasy piece in the wood block style; for instance, the geisha could rise from the ocean, her robes combining with the waves; or her pale, painted face and a white, or light blue kimono could meld with a snowy mountain, with only the shocks of dark black hair, sensual eyes and bright reds lips standing out.
    Though there is no set definition to what geisha tattoos may symbolize, it is pretty easy to understand why some may see them as an emblem for elegance, striking beauty and hundreds of years of remarkable artistry.

    2010 geisha tattoo style for girl is something that is so uniquely mysterious about the Japanese culture that it has somehow both mystified as well as inspired the Western World today. From the rich history of the samurai warriors and the daimyos to the life under shoguns, the colorful culture of the Japanese is so far away from that of ours that it has the magical ability to draw us into it. This article deals with the exotic world of 2010 geisha tattoo style for girl and designs.

    Geisha Tattoorhytt6y

    Geisha Tattoodh45yt


    Contrary to popular western notions, the Japanese geisha is not generally a woman of ill repute. The word literally means “art person” and a geisha is a highly trained professional woman whose traditional occupation is to entertain men. Singing, dancing, playing music, knowledge of history and current events, the ability to make conversation and to create an atmosphere of relaxation and entertainment are the essential skills of the geisha. Skills specific to Japanese culture would include being able to perform the tea ceremony or perhaps even being skilled at flower arrangement or calligraphy.

    Geishas are immaculately and sumptuously dressed in ornate and expensive kimonos. Not a strand of hair is out of place, their white facial make-up is perfect. Their manners are not only impeccable but delicate and calm, in keeping with the ideals of feminine beauty that they embody.

    In modern Japan, geishas have been transformed into symbols of traditional values. In the west, the geisha has become a symbol of the exotic grace and beauty of the East.

    In this tattoo design, the wind has ruffled her kimono and set some pieces of paper loose, perhaps from the sheaf tucked near her arm.

    The wind has also loosed some petals of cherry blossoms which are beginning to swirl past her. They echo the cherry blossom design of the lower part of her kimono while the upper part makes use of the chrysanthemum. Both flowers are frequently used in Japanese art and in Japanese tattoos.

    Geisha Tattoouuyuyu

    Geisha Tattootyjytju

    Geisha Tattoortrtg

    Geisha Tattooetbhtbtahh

    Geisha Tattoodfbdfgtgr

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    Crime Busters is a skills-oriented chemistry event in Science Olympiad.  Students are given a scenario and evidence collected at the scene of the (non-violent) crime.  They analyze the clues in order to solve the crime.  You can see a good description of the event at  Crime Busters on SciOly, a student wiki for Science Olympiad for exchanging tips and resources.  Note that gypsum is plaster of Paris and calcium carbonate is chalk.

    Half the points are earned in the analysis portion in which students need to identify an unknown powdered solid, a liquid, and a metal.

    These are pictures from the powdered solid analysis.  What you see are 11 of the 13 possibilities that I actually had around my house, even acetic acid (being a bread baker.)  Sand (go figure) and sodium acetate were the only two I did not have.

    Other things you need are Lugol's iodine (not alcohol-based like the stuff at the pharmacy) hydrochloric acid (HCl), and pH paper, all available along with acetic acid from Home Training Tools.  They include instructions to make a 3M HCl solution.  You may want to get a brown glass bottle to store it in as well, and a 10 ml graduated cylinder to measure it out (though not necessary.)

    The coolest reaction: vitamin C (acetic acid) turns iodine from brown to completely clear.

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    Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection
    Crime Busters is a skills-oriented chemistry event in Science Olympiad.  Students are given a scenario and evidence collected at the scene of the (non-violent) crime.  They analyze the clues in order to solve the crime.  You can see a good description of the event at  Crime Busters on SciOly, a student wiki for Science Olympiad for exchanging tips and resources.  Note that gypsum is plaster of Paris and calcium carbonate is chalk.

    Half the points are earned in the analysis portion in which students need to identify an unknown powdered solid, a liquid, and a metal.

    These are pictures from the powdered solid analyris.  What you see are 11 of the 13 possibilities that I actually had around my house, even acetic acid (being a bread baker.)  Sand (go figure) and sodium acetate were the only two I did not have.

    Other things you need are Lugol's iodine (not alcohol-based like the stuff at the pharmacy) hydrochloric acid (HCl), and pH paper, all available along with acetic acid from Home Training Tools.  They include instructions to make a 3M HCl solution.  You may want to get a brown glass bottle to store it in as well, and a 10 ml graduated cylinder to measure it out (though not necessary.)

    The coolest reaction: vitamin C (acetic acid) turns iodine from brown to completely clear.

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    We went to a Science Olympiad practice meet to get an idea of how the competition goes.  This middle school, with no special Science Olympiad budget, allowed teams to come in and run through events.  Thank you!  They did not run all the events.  Of course none of the building events would be done. We were fortunate enough that two of the three non-building events we are competing in were available.

    The above picture shows what I think is the most complicated event: Science Crime Busters. You need to know solid, liquid, and metal analysis, which earns half the points.  You also need to know hair, fiber, and DNA analysis.  You also examine fingerprints, tread marks, and splatter patterns.  After examining the evidence you then need to decide who dunnit.

    The next picture is the other chemistry event, Food Science.  To prepare for it you need to do a lot of really bad baking to see how altering muffin recipes alters outcomes.  You also need a good knowledge of nutrition, which we found out we have not spent enough time on yet.  We have 5 more weeks to be ready...

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    We went to a Science Olympiad practice meet to get an idea of how the competition goes.  This middle school, with no special Science Olympiad budget, allowed teams to come in and run through events.  Thank you!  They did not run all the events.  Of course none of the building events would be done. We were fortunate enough that two of the three non-building events we are competing in were available.

    The above picture shows what I think is the most complicated event: Science Crime Busters. You need to know solid, liquid, and metal analysis, which earns half the points.  You also need to know hair, fiber, and DNA analysis.  You also examine fingerprints, tread marks, and splatter patterns.  After examining the evidence you then need to decide who dunnit.

    The next picture is the other chemistry event, Food Science.  To prepare for it you need to do a lot of really bad baking to see how altering muffin recipes alters outcomes.  You also need a good knowledge of nutrition, which we found out we have not spent enough time on yet.  We have 5 more weeks to be ready...

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    Journey North: Mystery Class began yesterday for anyone interested.  This is an excellent project-based science and math study.  I have not decided if I am going to be participating this year because of all the time spent preparing for Science Olympiad.  Our competition is in March, before the equinox, so we may have time to jump in then!

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    Journey North: Mystery Class began yesterday for anyone interested.  This is an excellent project-based science and math study.  I have not decided if I am going to be participating this year because of all the time spent preparing for Science Olympiad.  Our competition is in March, before the equinox, so we may have time to jump in then!

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    This may very well affirm that I am crazy, but getting involved with Science Olympiad is a great project.  Several families in our co-op have decided to put together a Level B (middle school) team.

    This is the first year that Science Olympiad has instituted rules specifically aimed to restrict homeschoolers (because we are so nefarious.)  Teams must be composed of students that live in the same or adjacent counties, and cannot be from different states.  This last provision is what is preventing our team from being a full participant this year.  Our co-op, now in its third year, has a family from an adjacent county but in another state (here in New England our states are very close.)  The national office gave an emphatic NO to this arrangement.

    The Massachusetts coordinator, thank goodness, has been as accommodating as he can.  He is allowing us to participate as an alternate team, so we are unable to get an official SO medal should we win an event, but we would be awarded a state ribbon.  That's plenty good enough for us since we are unlikely to win anything anyway our first year.  We also could not advance on to the nationals, but with only 7 students (up to 15 are allowed) we could never compete in enough events to earn enough team points to win.

    The Science Olympiad has 23 events divided into 3 categories: study, skill, and building.  Almost all the events allow up to 2 team members that work together on the event.  The "study" events involve knowledge to answer test questions.  The "skill" event has several stations in which both questions need to be answered and skills need to be performed.  The "building" events require contraptions to be made before the competition that are impounded that day until the actual demonstration time.

    Our team plans to compete in 5 events.  Crime Busters, Food Science, Road Scholar (all skill events), Mission Possible, and Storm the Castle (both building events).  I will blog more about each even as I chronicle our adventure.

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    Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection

    This may very well affirm that I am crazy, but getting involved with Science Olympiad is a great project.  Several families in our co-op have decided to put together a Level B (middle school) team.

    This is the first year that Science Olympiad has instituted rules specifically aimed to restrict homeschoolers (because we are so nefarious.)  Teams must be composed of students that live in the same or adjacent counties, and cannot be from different states.  This last provision is what is preventing our team from being a full participant this year.  Our co-op, now in its third year, has a family from an adjacent county but in another state (here in New England our states are very close.)  The national office gave an emphatic NO to this arrangement.

    The Massachusetts coordinator, thank goodness, has been as accommodating as he can.  He is allowing us to participate as an alternate team, so we are unable to get an official SO medal should we win an event, but we would be awarded a state ribbon.  That's plenty good enough for us since we are unlikely to win anything anyway our first year.  We also could not advance on to the nationals, but with only 7 students (up to 15 are allowed) we could never compete in enough events to earn enough team points to win.

    The Science Olympiad has 23 events divided into 3 categories: study, skill, and building.  Almost all the events allow up to 2 team members that work together on the event.  The "study" events involve knowledge to answer test questions.  The "skill" event has several stations in which both questions need to be answered and skills need to be performed.  The "building" events require contraptions to be made before the competition that are impounded that day until the actual demonstration time.

    Our team plans to compete in 5 events.  Crime Busters, Food Science, Road Scholar (all skill events), Mission Possible, and Storm the Castle (both building events).  I will blog more about each even as I chronicle our adventure.

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    Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection
    Eva at Academia Celestia awarded this to me--thank you!  An award for those of use who love to blog because we love the art form, not because we have a lot of followers. Here is the description:

    "Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!"
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    List your top 5 picks and let them know they've been given an award by leaving a comment on their blog.
    Hope that your followers will spread the love to the blogs you've spotlighted.

    I am awarding this to:
    Well, I listed 4...

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    Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection
    Eva at Academia Celestia awarded this to me--thank you!  An award for those of use who love to blog because we love the art form, not because we have a lot of followers. Here is the description:

    "Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!"
    Add the award to your blog.
    Thank the giver with a link back to them.
    List your top 5 picks and let them know they've been given an award by leaving a comment on their blog.
    Hope that your followers will spread the love to the blogs you've spotlighted.

    I am awarding this to:
    Well, I listed 4...

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    Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection