i saw one of the article in one site with an interesting title, the hottest trends of the decade,although to be honest not all of the things mentioned in the list concerning fashion,but more to lifestyle.
so i pick some of them that more suitable for me to put here(although i will give the link to the site anyway).so here are the list :
bangles : either its plastic or any other material such as gold,has become one of the important additional to the personal style.
labels: people just couldn't be much more confidence without the famous branded label they're using/wearing.it means showing other just what level of life you're choosing,although it means rent a louis vuitton bag,just to look cool.
leggings:yea,i had enough with this,why?i saw almost all the time lately in the tabloids,magazines and television all the celebrities and also common people using this.
skinny jeans :this one also the everyday sight for me to see whether its men or women, they are really fancy using this type of jeans.
ballet flats : omg,this style has become a must of the youngster for sometimes now.although for me personally i'm not so into it somehow.
vests : i had a bunch of it,but since it turns to be the nowadays need in trends,i've better go and re-collect them for my clothing style again. :P
cinched waists: i love this type of waist ban,wide enough to make you look skinnier and elegant.
honorable mentions :or i can say it favorite fashion icon.
i dont put the rest from the info, although glasses/shades and earings are also suitable for the fashion accessories but i dont see many people into them so much as the rest on the lists.here is the complete
info Source URL: http://science-logic.blogspot.com/2009/12/Visit Saosin Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection