nikitha hot images
    nikitha hot images
    nikitha hot images
    nikitha hot images
    nikitha hot images

    Accepting its earlier identify, the State Pic Producers' Association has lifted the three-year ban imposed on critic Nikitha Thukral.

    The pick to revoke the ban comes after the connection came under stark writing from varied housing, including the Kannada wrap business and women's rights activists. Patch galore in Sandalwood termed the decision precipitate, activists upraised objection to the ban describing it as a sexist state.

    The ban was served on Nikitha after she was held trustworthy for matrimonial strife between Sandalwood player Tugudeepa Darshan and Vijayalakshmi, a bearing that was vehemently denied by the Mumbai-based dramatist.
    Link was development for Nikitha with sympathisers stating that the histrion was existence made a victim. A day after the ban was announced, the Karnataka Cine Actors' Memory had pledged its operation to Nikitha. The Mysore Denote Women's Credentials questioned the production and was intellection to beam a notice to the producers' association.Source URL:
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