Tickled Pink

    Jared and I weren't going to find out the sex of our baby until he or she arrived, however, we had an ultrasound this week and we just couldn't resist the opportunity. As it turns out, we are having a little girl! (We didn't find out with either of the boys until they were born and we've always enjoyed the surprise in the delivery room but I must admit, a little surprise mid- pregnancy is also pretty fun too.) I would have been just as pleased with a boy but I am excited to even things out around here. I was beginning to feel a little out numbered. :)

    Also, this bird stack print is now reminiscent of our family with one little pink birdie on top! (More cute prints in this Etsy shop, Printspace.)Source URL: https://science-logic.blogspot.com/2010/04/tickled-pink.html
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